Thursday, May 1, 2014

6 Months

A lot of awesome things happened this month! You now sit up perfect all by yourself. You love being able to sit up to play because you HATE being on your stomach. I try to get you to lay on your stomach so you can learn to crawl but you scream at me when I do that.

You got to eat solid foods for the first time this month! YOU LOVED IT! Your first food was some peas yum :)  

It was also just in time for Thanksgiving! Although you couldn't have all the food you loved seeing everyone and especially playing with your cousins

You also got your first 2 teeth this month!  The first one popped out the day after Thanksgiving! You were great though you didn't even act like it bothered you much. You did have your first little cold though, not sure if thats from the tooth or just a normal cold. 

You have really started showing your goofy personality! You are such a happy little boy! You always have a smile on your face or making funny noises.  

5 Months

You keep mommy very busy wanting to be entertained all the time so I haven't got to blog much :)
You absolutely love to play with all your toys all the time but you get bored with them very fast. Mommy has to try to figure out how to keep you busy all of the time. You are starting to get tired of my tricks so I am going to have to get more creative. You can sit up by yourself now and you love it! You love to be able to look around and see whats going on. You have always been nosey like your mama :)

You love going on walks! You love looking around at everything and enjoying the fresh air. Sometimes when you are fussy we would go on a walk to get you to relax and sometimes you would even take a nap. 

You also went to your first parade this month! You went to the Eastern Illinois University Homecoming Parade and you really liked it! I was surprised that you didn't get scared with all the noise. The firetruck even honked his horn right in front of us!

You and your daddy were Batman and Robin for Halloween.  You loved going around to each house and getting candy. You did not care that it was raining outside.  We even went to a scary house around the corner where someone tried to scare you (which mama was not happy about) and you didn't mind you just watched everyone and took it all in. 

We also got family pictures taken this month and you were great! You loved having everyone around and talking to you to get you to smile. 

You are such a great baby and we enjoy watching you grow everyday!
Love you, Mommy & Daddy

Saturday, December 14, 2013

O Christmas Tree

As soon as we got back from visiting family for Thanksgiving weekend we went and picked out our Christmas Tree!  It was a pretty chilly day but that made it really feel like Christmas time! I feel like the pictures speak for themselves :)

Every year since Jeff and I have been married we get an ornament made and we were so excited to add Declan this year!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cutest Pumpkin at the Pumpkin Patch

We went to your first pumpkin patch a couple weeks ago and we had so much fun! You liked sitting up in the pumpkins while we were looking for the best one :)

We carved your first pumpkin today and you loved it! It was huge and you fit in it. You actually sat in it a long time and chilled because you liked it so much!!


4 Months!

Better late than never :) At 4 months you seemed more like a big boy than a baby! You learned so much and were able to do so much more! You rolled over from back to front! Your not suppose to be able to do that for a couple months! Now that you know how to do that though you always do and now won't roll from front to back.

 You are amazing at reaching and grabbing toys. Your depth perception is spot on! You love to giggle and laugh and talk and tell stories. I love to have conversations with you! Even though I don't know exactly what you are saying I feel like I do :)

Your favorite thing to watch and play with is the dogs! You have grabbed and held on to them a couple times. They don't really know what to do when you have ahold of them besides give you kisses! Your second favorite is watching tv! Its hard to get you to eat if the tv is on because you don't want to miss anything on your show! Some of your favorites are Mikey Mouse Club House and Doc McStuffins. You also will get fussy if we change the channel to something boring. You are very very nosey you want to watch and see whats going on at all times. I have to feed you in a room that is silent or else you won't eat.

This month you slept 7 hours straight! It only happened once but it was a great night and morning when you did! Other than that one day though you get up about every 3-4 hours only for a little snuggling and eating.  You are getting pretty good at sitting up. You can sit up by yourself for a couple seconds before you give out and usually roll forward. You are just learning so much and growing so quickly! You have such a great personality and are a huge goof ball like your daddy :) You keep us entertained constantly! I don't know how we had fun before you! You have filled our lives with love, laughs, and happiness!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

ExerSaucer Fun!

Declan you got a new ExerSaucer and you love it!
You liked helping daddy put it together!

Had to try it out before the toys were even on it!

Loved seeing what was added next!

You think its pretty awesome!

I can't believe you are big enough to fit in it! Your getting so big!

Friday, September 6, 2013

3 Months

A little late but here it is.....

You are becoming such a little man! I need time to freeze so I can keep you this small for a while! This is all going too fast! You can pull yourself in a sitting postion by holding on to mamas fingers. You can actually sit up on your own for a couple seconds too! You are starting to talk more and more and love making loud noises. You absolutely hate your pacifier now. If we even touch your lip with it you scream!

The biggest accomplishment this month was you rolled over!! Yay! You are a pro at it now. The second I put you on your stomach you are rolling on your back. You are also starting to notice toys and grabbing for them!

Drool is your new look. I don't know why you do but you drool all the time now.  You have started to like being swaddled again. Before you hated your arms being pinned down but now when you know you are getting swaddled you get all excited.

You are starting to grow out of your 0-3 month clothes and its making mommy sad! I have a tub in your room that I am putting all the clothes you've outgrown in, and its filling up too quickly! You laugh and giggle constantly! You are the happiest baby I have ever been around.

You are starting to get a bald spot on the back of your head from laying on it all the time. I try to put you on your belly more but like I said you roll over the second I do!  You are so close to rolling from your back to your belly but you don't really like being on your belly so I don't think you are trying too hard :) We are so excited to see what you do next!

Love you baboy!