Thursday, May 1, 2014

5 Months

You keep mommy very busy wanting to be entertained all the time so I haven't got to blog much :)
You absolutely love to play with all your toys all the time but you get bored with them very fast. Mommy has to try to figure out how to keep you busy all of the time. You are starting to get tired of my tricks so I am going to have to get more creative. You can sit up by yourself now and you love it! You love to be able to look around and see whats going on. You have always been nosey like your mama :)

You love going on walks! You love looking around at everything and enjoying the fresh air. Sometimes when you are fussy we would go on a walk to get you to relax and sometimes you would even take a nap. 

You also went to your first parade this month! You went to the Eastern Illinois University Homecoming Parade and you really liked it! I was surprised that you didn't get scared with all the noise. The firetruck even honked his horn right in front of us!

You and your daddy were Batman and Robin for Halloween.  You loved going around to each house and getting candy. You did not care that it was raining outside.  We even went to a scary house around the corner where someone tried to scare you (which mama was not happy about) and you didn't mind you just watched everyone and took it all in. 

We also got family pictures taken this month and you were great! You loved having everyone around and talking to you to get you to smile. 

You are such a great baby and we enjoy watching you grow everyday!
Love you, Mommy & Daddy

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